A F T E R   Y O U R   B O W E N   T H E R A P Y

Most clients find Bowen deeply relaxing. However, reactions may range from hot and cold flushes, emotional releases, headaches, body aches and tiredness. These reactions normally clear within 24 - 72 hours, and are, in the majority of cases, a positive sign that the healing process is working. There are a few guidelines we recommend following treatment:

Do as much walking as possible each day (at least 15 minutes at a time).

Do not do strenuous exercise for 3 - 4 days after treatment. Gentle exercise is encouraged.

Move carefully e.g. squat instead of bending when picking something up; do not cross legs; be careful getting in and out of cars and bed.

Do not sit for longer than 30 minutes at a time on the day of your visit – make sure you get up and move around if working at a desk/computer etc.

Do not have any other form of manipulation for a week e.g. massage, physiotherapy, acupuncture, kinesiology etc. .

Avoid excessive heat or cold on areas that have been treated e.g. hot baths, cold showers; avoid the use of ice packs and/or heat pads.

Drink plenty of water throughout the course of treatment - this helps to eliminate toxins and keep the body hydrated;  avoid stimulating substances e.g. coffee.


If you have any further questions, please contact me.
